Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Are you waiting for him to leave his wife?

Lauren: The Great Recycler
How would you handle a great lover/ex-boyfriend who is married, lives in another state and continues to text/call & try to see you?
Do you know how curiosity killed the cat? Well I do and I can say is that I am curious, even though death awaits me on the other side. Is he leaving his wife? Did he marry the wrong woman? Was I the one who got away? It is so dreamy to sit and think that this can all be true...but is it really? There is something that is scary and exciting about the possibility of re-uniting with this one great love. He told me he missed me and he thinks about me all the time and wants to see me. It is nice to hear, almost a sweet victory. I knew in my heart he would grow up one day and realize what he had! But the reality is they do not leave their wives. Maybe a small percent do, and the words may in fact be somewhat truthful, but I can not take that chance. I can't help but feel that he is is looking to escape his adult life sentence for an indulgent weekend just to return with a belly full of cake. Yum

Dee: Yeah, I did it, so what? And I did him, so what about that too? And I broke up w/ him (cuz I knew he wasn't gonna leave his wife) and now he doesn't talk to me. Like I'm the asshole.

If he would done what he said, maybe our lives would’ve been different, maybe not. To be honest with you, I can seriously care less. It was stupid on my part to fall for such bullshit like "I love you" when he also said, "I would deny you to god.". What a fucking ass, and I was the stupid retard that believed the hype, the lies...and if I hurt a really good guy in the process, and I still can't really look @ myself in the mirror, cuz there is a part of me that has no respect for myself.

So, if you having fucked a married guy, don't, they don't leave, but they will lie like they will. Oh, and if you are, run away! Run away, they are having their cake and eating it too (or whatever the fucking cliché is) or fuck em, but don't believe the hype! Oh, and if they do leave, can u really trust em?

Rani: I don't know what to say. I was desperately in need of something familiar. I was so lonely and needed someone to love me. The smell of a man that brought back the memories when we were together. The feel of the body that held me and brought me comfort a long, long time ago. I honestly felt someone else married my husband. He lied to both of us, and I broke it off because I had too much respect for women to keep it up any longer. I couldn't live with myself if she found out. I pictured her crying on the floor, feeling hurt and cheated on.... and I would be the cause of another woman's pain. In the beginning, I had the mentality of "I had him first". In the end, I had the mentality of "you can keep him, he's an asshole player". I'm not a bad person, I just made some bad choices, and I feel sorry, mostly for her. I hope that if she ever found out, she would forgive me.

Eva: Be careful what you wish for…is all I can say Lau. I know a woman or two who had been in the “waiting for him to leave mode” only to end up getting exactly what she wanted…a cheating husband of her very own! Adultery was something I grew up with, and consequently it has made me super jealous in every relationship I ever had. I am always waiting to be cheated on and blow up if anyone even looks at my husband. Personally I think women go for married men as a type…like I am into guys with muscles or blonde guys…or Married Men. It makes me a bit crazy but I know its true.

Melanie: Yeah...a lot of cake and eating cake and eating cake while eating other cake. I've never eaten a married man's cake. At least not that I'm aware of. But I did screw around with someone else's boyfriend once (a thousand years ago - in my troubled youth) and I think it's the only thing in my entire life that I 100% regret. There was nothing gained from that experience. I learned nothing. I got nothing. It was just a big exercise in stupidity. And I never want to do that again.

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