Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pubic Hairs...what do you do about them?

Ahhh. Pubic hair. It means to be protection, but since its sooo uncute, we try to find ways to butcher it away. I just shave. Everyday, I shave something. I used to wax, but ouch. I can't imagine having a laser by my cooter, so forget lasering all that away, and letting it grow like a true Amazonian woman, only when I'm pissed @ my man. What bothers me the most are these random man hairs I have growing from my boobs. I have 3, and they really piss me off. I tweeze those f*ckers with a vengeance. To be honest, I can care less about my hair, regardless where it stems from and the landscaping that is required...except for the 3 random boob hairs. They are bastard hairs. Bastards

To be honest with you, pubic hair is the least of my problems. I have pubes. Who cares. If I DIDN'T have pubes, well, then we'd have something to talk about.... like, why am I in my thirties and pubeless.

I'm really boring with this. I shave. That's all. I'm not a stripper and I don't wear Lady Gaga costumes all the time so my need for Absolute Pubic Perfection is rare.

My hubby has his own preferences that require major upkeep. So if I am pissed at him, for whatever reason…I spitefully grow it out and parade it around in protest. I had a Russian woman who used to wax it for me…but that was before I was married and she’s like an hour from my house…

Sometimes I shave, sometimes I use my buzz cutter for a really nice trim, sometimes my girlfriend tweezes my ingrowns. My girlfriend eats my pussy on a very consistent basis, no matter what the state of affairs down there, so I'm honestly pretty lazy about it. Except when I get those strays on my upper thighs, which I inevitably notice when I'm rocking a bikini in public. That's embarrassing and always sufficient motivation for me to get a nice clean shave in. I'll tell you what I DON'T do about my pubes. Use Veet (or Nair as some may know it). My male roommate, on the other hand, is a huge fan of using this particular product on his balls. I know this because I find his Veeted ball hair all over my bathtub. I am not a fan of Veet or ball hair.

I Laser. 6 times. hurts like a bitch! after a session or 2 they turn up the voltage baby. But once that hair is gone. I feel clean and sexy and suddenly in the mood :) and I want to show it off. Why does having a hair-free cooch put me in the mood?

1 comment:

  1. Can a guy step in here for a minute and say that you are all GROWN WOMEN: let it grow and be proud that you have a nice carpet down there! Geez Louise! There are still some of us that like that natural look - it proves that you are proud to be a WOMAN and not some pre-pubescent girl.
